The Kamer- Ruf Collection
Curated by Cyril Kazis,
Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols
and Bernhard Duss
June 8 – June 30, 2023
Tue-Fri: 1 to 6 PM
Sat 11 AM to 4 PM
and by appointment

A showcase of the most unique haute-couture and textile collection ever to exist comes to Basel!
THE GAZE Editor Hazel Clarke meets the two men behind the incredible Kamer Ruf collection, who are sharing centuries of fashion history through their passion.
Unique is an often overused word to describe something that is very special or distinctive although not necessarily ‘the only one’. But when nothing else like it exists, nor has ever existed, nor will ever, when it’s totally mind-blowing, unequalled and unrepeatable, and when it’s the first and last, then you know you are at the true essence of this word ‘unique’. Such is the case with the Kamer Ruf Collection!
So what is so special? The collection shows the complete development of fashion since the18th Century to the First World War and the evolution of textiles over the last six centuries, a mind boggling achievement to say the least. And I had the absolute privilege of interviewing the two giants of European historical haute couture collections, Martin Kamer and Wolfgang Ruf, masterminds behind this incredible feat and not least, two absolute gentlemen.
Read the full story soon in THE GAZE