“51|2021” Event!

by prêt-à-porter


An artistic practice that does not take into account the forms of cultural legitimacy, that does not question the art spaces, the way of displaying the works, the relations to the public, etc., is condemned to regenerate the instituted mechanisms and thus to let function an image of art that is bound to cultural and social violence.

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, L’Art impossible, 2020

Dear 51|2021 activists At the invitation of Art|Basel, the ensemble prêt-à-porter met this morning (Sept. 23) with the management of the art fair. In a friendly conversation, Art|Basel offered us the use of the existing wooden installation on the exhibition square. So there is no need to bring a camping stool. Possibly Marc Spiegler, Global Director of Art|Basel, will take part in our discussion. We look forward to an exciting discussion! Kind regards, ensemble prêt-à-porter

Dear 51|2021 activists, next Friday September 24. we will meet at 7 pm opposite the big Art|Basel logo at the Exhibition Square. We will get in shape, look at the giant, exchange ideas about the short text by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie. Bring your 51|2021 Vest and a camping stool. Let us know if you will participate ! Kind regards, ensemble prêt-a-porter. PS. If you don’t have a vest yet, you can get one on location.

Texte original français:

Une pratique artistique qui ne tient pas en compte les formes de la légitimité culturelle, qui n’interroge pas les espaces de l’art, les dispositifs de monstration des oeuvres, les relations au public, etc., se condamne a régénerer les dispositifs institués et donc à faire fonctionner une image de l’art qui a partie liée avec la violence culturelle et sociale.

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, L’Art impossible, 2020

As a pop-up store for art supplies we provide vests to create yellow forms in public space.

Anticipating the “gilets jaunes” upcoming action during Art|Basel 2021, the “Prêt à Porter” group is proudly introducing their new collection 51|2021 made available to everyone ready to join this event.

You are kindly invited to attend the pop-up store grand opening  on september  16. 2021 @ 5PM in the PRAXIS storefront, Bäumleingasse 9, 4051 Basel.

Business hours Sept. 17. to 26. 2021 from 11AM to 7PM.