“Killing Time” Finissage on Nov. 25. 2021 @ 6 PM

Noah Latif Lamp

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these last two -> original pieces by @noah_latif_lamp was probably the most impressive and moving juxtaposition I saw during this week! shivers.

(about “Birthbed” and “Deathbed”)

PRAXIS presents “Killing Time” Lamp’s groundbreaking body of work created over the past six years between 2015-2021. Made up of paintings, sculptures and objects, this installation mixes historical, mythological and autobiographical elements together.

A mirror is a curious thing. It displays a representation of reality that is merely a reflection and not necessarily the complete truth. Holding up a mirror to ourselves is normal and somewhat practical.

Yet holding up a mirror to others can be perilous. If we are not ready or able or comfortable enough to see what is rightly reflected back to us, we can lash out in unpredictable ways. A mirror held up to others can be interpreted as an act of violence.

Yet this is the job of the artist. All at once, he is activist and terrorist, helping others to come to a greater understanding about themselves. He is a mirror of who we are and who we’ve become, whether we like what he is willing to show us or not.

Artist Noah Latif Lamp is one such mirror.

Noah Latif Lamp in his studio, Amsterdam