Terra Incognita: 08.04.22 7 PM Apéro performance Maya Minder and Alexia Venot : « Eggs and boobs or how to read eggplants »

Our first group show in Basel, organized by curator Andrea Marioni from swiss based experimental sound platform Lumpen Station.


Press Release (de)

An exploration of the affinities between art and science, this exhibition is based on the baroque iconography of mapping the world in an unknown and open way. Terra incognita, a group show with experimental music that has been created during 2 weeks of intense retreat.


7 PM

Conference with Marc Atallah : « Les artistes dialoguent avec la science »

8.30 PM

Matthieu Hardwean sound performance All sound contents broadcasted on lumpenstation.art


7 PM

Apéro performance Maya Minder and Alexia Venot : « Eggs and boobs or how to read eggplants »    

Supported by: Kultur Basel-Stadt, Ville de Bienne, Swisslos Bern.

Ana Vujic | Arnaud Verin | Rodrigo Toro Madrid | Grégory Sugnaux | Felix Stöckle | Monika Stalder | Gilles Rotzetter | Colin Raynal | Nicolas Polli | Thalles Piaget | Maya Minder | Gabriel Magos | Till Langschied | Sara Koller |Hayan Kam Nakache | Jeanne Jakob | Nicola Genovese | Guillaume Fuchs | Louis Hector | Eve Chariatte | Samuel Bramley | Alan Bogana | Sophie Benvenuti | Massimiliano Baldassarri | Matthieu Hardwean | Premjish Achari | Alexia Venot | Marc Atallah | Lucas Herzig | Andrea Marioni | Von Vilaine

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